The Nougat

The Nougat


2 1/2 cups sugar
1/3 cup water in room temperature
1 bottle of corn syrup (Look at Picture)
2 egg whites at room temperature
1 tsp almond essence 
pinch of salt
4 Tbl. spoon butter
2 cups toasted blanched almond
dried fruits (optional)


Corn flour


1. Prepare a 25 cm * 25cm baking ban with lightly buttered waxed aluminium foil. Set aside. 

2. Set sugar, water and the corn syrup in a heavy saucepan. Cook over a medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolve.    

2. Stir with a wooden spoon, brushing down the sides of the pan occasionally with a pastry brush dipped in warm water, until the sugar dissolves (this will take about 10 minutes)

3. Use the whisk attachment on an electric stand beater to whisk the egg whites until firm peaks form.


4. Returning to the syrup, which is on a low fire. Now we will begin the ball phase which is a sensitive stage and that you need to focus much. In this step you will specify if the nougat is soft or hard or too hard as follows: we should take a small amount of the syrup by the stirring spoon. This amount falls in very cold water, the drops turned into something like pearl or somewhat bead means the liquid has reached the desired temperature, (140°C). If the drop is still a bit soft,  continue to boil. (when the fall point sugar in cold water, they still maintain shape leave it and circular Kalkrh, and when you take it out of the water they are slightly hard when squeezed and is never very hard).

5. Place the base of the pan in cold water for 5 seconds, or until the bubbles subside.

6. With the beater on medium speed, slowly pour hot syrup into the egg whites in a thin, steady stream. Don't pour the syrup down side of the bowl or onto the whisk as it may set before being incorporated into egg whites.

7. Add the butter and the essence at this stage and scrap down the side as possible. 

8. Once all the syrup is incorporated, whisk for a further 3 minutes or until the mixture is thick and glossy. Use a wooden spoon to mix the almonds with egg white mixture until well combined.

9. Quickly pour the nougat evenly into the lined pan using a spatula to scrape down the side of the bowl. Use the spatula or the back of a spoon dipped in hot water to spread the nougat evenly into the pan and smooth the surface and press down gently piece of greased foil over the top of the nougat and press down gently. Set aside in a cool, dry place for 6 hours or until set.

10. Spay another piece of foil and cover the top of the nougat with it and press down gently. 

11.  Lift the nougat from the pan and place on a cutting board. Remove baking paper or foil. Use a serrated knife in a sawing motion to cut the nougat crossways into 3cm-wide pieces and then cut each piece into about 4cm lengths. Place nougat in a clean, dry airtight container, separating layers with non-stick baking paper. Keep in a cool, dry place for 1-2 weeks or in the fridge for up to 3 weeks. If storing nougat in the fridge, bring to room temperature before serving.

 12. Dust the nougat with the corn flour before storing it.  

Final presentation 

Bon Apetite 

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